Tuesday, 3 April 2007

Open Meeting Outcome

A discussion followed by a vote was help last night in the community centre with Harry Woodward from Dunedin Canmore Housing Association acting as the chair.

The discussion covered topics related to the possible decision of splitting the current Residents Association into 2 or to remain as 1. The outcome was 10 votes in favour and 7 against splitting into 2 separate residents associations. For the Residents association to proceed with the split, the requirement was that two thirds of votes in favour were needed to carry the vote.

As a result of the meeting, there appears to be an increased interest from Gorgie Park Close residents to become more active in the Residents association. The Residents Association constitution states that we need 3 office bearers, 2 from Slateford Green and one for Gorgie Park Close. The positions are Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. We will need to officially elect these positions in the upcoming monthly meetings.

The next meeting will be on the 14th of May since the first Monday of the month falls on a bank holiday. That's 7.30 pm at the Slateford Green Community Centre

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