Thursday, 12 April 2007

Duck update

The ducklings has not been seen nor has anyone given any information concerning the disappearance of the ducklings. The Police has been informed and they have come to take a statement.

Alan has looked through the CCTV footage covering the area and has determined that the ducks made their way out of the gate by their own accord. Some children were seen attempting to usher them back toward the ponds. While it is still sad that they have left the safety of the pond, it is good to know that they were not disturbed on purpose.

The following is from the RSPB web site:
Mallards and the law
Mallards and their nests are protected by the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, which makes it an offence to intentionally kill, injure or take any wild bird, or to take, damage or destroy its nest, eggs or young. Therefore, it is important not to chase away a duck that has started nesting.
See here for more on ducks:

As you may have noticed, the duck house has drifted away from the centre of the pond. We are in the process of coming up with an improved anchor system. Straw will also be added to the compartments. We are still hoping to encourage more ducks to make Slateford Green their home, or at least a regular stopping point.

If you want to feed the ducks, please avoid giving them bread since this plays havoc with their digestion. It also promotes algae growth in the ponds which is bad for the fish as well as the pump system.

Just like humans, they tend to go for the junk food before the stuff that is good for them! They'll take bread or chips over anything else. It is best to give them fresh vegetable trimmings such as lettuce or carrots or tomatoes, cooked potatoes bits and chopped hard-boiled eggs. You can also purchase specific duck food at garden centres and pet stores. You can use chicken feed that is not medicated. Again, all these things in moderation please! It is best to place the food in a pile by the side of the pond rather than throwing it at them and let them come and get it. Please see the links above for more information.

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